About Hingham High School

Hingham High School provides all students with a positive learning atmosphere. We offer:
Opportunities to be challenged to their utmost ability.
Fostering understanding between diverse people.
Promoting services to others.
Instilling feelings of self-worth.
The mission of Hingham High School is to graduate students with the academic, civic, social, and personal skills necessary to become productive, responsible members of a democratic and ever-changing global society. With the support and involvement of the community, Hingham High School will engage all students in a challenging, well-balanced educational program complemented by co-curricular activities.
Student Expectations
All Hingham High students will…
1. Read purposefully
Read with an accurate understanding of content and literal meaning
Read with an understanding of the distinction between fact and opinion
Read with the ability to analyze figurative language, implied meaning, and tone
2. Write effectively
Write with appropriate expression and structure
Write with attention to the conventions of grammar, usage, and vocabulary
Use writing as a means of self-expression
3. Communicate effectively
Speak clearly and confidently in an oral presentation.
Listen critically and accurately to spoken messages.
Acquire communication skills in a second language
Explore and express ideas through the arts
Use a variety of media to communicate ideas and information
4. Identify, analyze, and solve problems
Use logic and deductive and inductive reasoning to solve problems
Demonstrate the ability to use technology
Access and evaluate information
Use a range of resources to conduct research
5. Demonstrate self-respect and respect for others
Develop healthful habits for physical, social, and emotional well being
Exhibit positive verbal and nonverbal behavior
Maintain a good conduct record
Display academic integrity
Develop understanding of individual differences and global perspectives
6. Work both independently and cooperatively with others
Be involved in school and/or community extra-curricular activities
Attend school
Demonstrate awareness of academic responsibilities
Be tolerant of others’ opinions and points of view
Participate constructively in group activities
7. Fulfill their responsibilities and exercise their rights as members of local and global communities.
Abide by the Rules of the Road
Support student-sponsored activities that respond to the needs of others
Register to vote when eligible
Participate in community decisions
Demonstrate knowledge of civics education through the study of United States history, the democratic process, and shared civic values
Acquire knowledge of diverse cultures
Hingham High School
17 Union St, Hingham, MA 02043
(781) 741-1560
Interim Principal: Dr. John Buckey
Hours: 8am – 2:30pm